The process of starting therapy is always very difficult, so it is only natural to feel apprehension when reaching out to a therapist. At Dear Oliver Therapy Services, we provide a 15-minute phone consultation free of charge. This is a space for both you and the therapist to understand each other and to check if a workable therapeutic alliance can be made. We encourage you to use this opportunity to ask the therapist your questions and to understand their style of working.


Individual therapy is the most comfortable for someone starting therapy for the first time. It is important for clients to establish a therapeutic alliance with a therapist that allows them to address difficult thoughts, emotions, and behaviours which may interfere with their well-being.

At Dear Oliver, we are committed to building an inclusive space that is accessible to people of all nationalities, caste, genders, and sexuality. We do this by building a calm, safe space, where people feel free and motivated to open up.

We also offer therapy through an online medium. It makes therapy accessible to people in remote locations or with not enough time to travel for therapy.


Olier Psychotherapy


Group therapy provides a safe space for people who might be hesitant to discuss their concerns for fear of being judged. A group may have more than one therapist, and typically has 8-12 members, to ensure sufficient attention is paid to all members. It builds a sense of community and offers the opportunity to both receive and give support. It also reassures people that they are not alone in their struggles.

It is also effective for people who have been through individual therapy as it helps them maintain their progress by remembering and continually practicing coping strategies.

*We also run special peer support groups for therapists. Check out the workshops section to know more.


Group Therapy
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