Responding to emotions is the act of reaching out to people in times of distress and empathetically understanding their situation. It builds effective listening skills, and a network of communication, using a practical approach. It is not something we have been taught but is the need of the hour. The course works in a sequential manner, with sufficient practical exposure, to help participants be empathetic to different emotions people can go through in various situations, and help equip people with skills on how to deal with their emotions effectively.

The facilitators are QPR Gatekeepers for suicide prevention and have worked closely with an NGO in suicide prevention efforts.

Prerequisite: None. Open to all. Batches are formed based on similar backgrounds and interests, so a pre-training interview is conducted.

Duration: 3 Months


With the rising awareness about the importance of mental health, we aim to provide a space for people to come together and discuss a common topic through our workshops. We closely work with organisations to understand the purpose of sessions and organise activities with or without an animal co-therapist.


As therapists, often we need support to ensure the best possible care for our clients. We curate this space fortnightly to work with therapists on different areas of concern. The group is moderated by an experienced therapist and is a space for conversations, discussions, and working through problem areas. This is not a substitute for supervision, but a place to learn and share different points of view with fellow therapists.


We periodically offer brief support groups on relevant topics related to mental wellness. These include working through difficult emotions, dealing with a disorder, work stress, relationship concerns, etc. The group together comes up with effective strategies to manage associated concerns.

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